Brendan Koplin

Brendan Koplin 24 v2.04.24

Brendan Koplin

Personal trainer at Limit Zero
  • Bachelors degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science
  • CPR and First aid certificate
  • Christchurch Academy football coach
  • Professional footballer 

About Brendan

I’m originally from the United States and I’ve always loved all aspects of sports and exercise. I went to two different universities in the States and studied Kinesiology at both. I’ve been playing football ever since I was 4 years old and have played in the states, Cyprus, Georgia, and now New Zealand. I’ve also done personal training for athletes across many sports and I enjoy helping people to reach their goals and get better.

I believe that exercise is the best medicine for the body. Not only does it allow us to live as healthy as possible, but it also allows us to achieve personal goals and do the things we enjoy for as long as possible!


Football has always been my biggest dream and my goal is to return to the professional level and also use it as a tool to travel the world! After my playing career I would love to open a performance centre for footballers.